Mapping weather data to sound

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My proposed parameter mappings for a range of weather handles’ are presented below. Where I have not used all these parameters in the sonifications, this table indicates my intended mapping explorations.

handle mapped to scaling
precipitation intensity of rain recordings edited processed, cued up and crossfaded in max
precipitation volume of rain recordings gain of the crossfaded signal
wind speed intensity of synthesised wind generated using max subtractive synthesis patch
wind direction panning of the wind stereo pan in max
temperature frequency content of the wind crossfade ratio of wind bank elements
temperature width of the wind panning higher T -> wider pan
pressure pitched micro tone higher pitch -> higher pressure
sun recorded birdsong, synthesised insects, stereo width of above sounds more sun -> wider
cloud cover impulse response or EQ filtering of above sounds cloudy -> fuzzy/ blanketed; clear -> bright/ fresh/ reflective
moon bats, owls, quiet, calm triggering and mixing of recorded sounds

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